torsdag 25 november 2010

Maybe Tom Cruise Should Leave Fast Driving To Stunt Doubles

As part of his promotional duties for 'Knight and Day,' Tom Cruise appeared on the BBC program 'Top Gear,' where he tried to drive around a track in a Kia ('Harry Potter' star Rupert Grint apparently holds the current record on the show with the fastest time).'Knight and Day' co-star Cameron Diaz tried it first and then Tom did. At about the three minute mark, you can see his near-miss (which would've resulted in a bad crash if he hadn't missed, so give him some credit for that- lol):
Tom may be one of the biggest action stars in the world, but I suspect he should stick to acting and leave the fast driving to stunt doubles :) He and Cameron both are good sports, though, aren't they?Photos by WENN.comContinue reading


Gleison Tibau Jamie Varner Matt Wiman Thaigo Alves Matt Arroyo

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